How to Configure SQLFluff to Lint the Model Configuration
Image by Keara -

How to Configure SQLFluff to Lint the Model Configuration

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SQLFluff is a popular open-source tool for linting and formatting SQL code. In this article, we will explore how to configure SQLFluff to lint the model configuration.

Step 1: Install SQLFluff

Before you begin, make sure you have SQLFluff installed in your project. You can install SQLFluff using pip:

pip install sqlfluff

Step 2: Create a Configuration File

Create a new file called `sqlfluff.yml` in the root of your project with the following content:

version: 1

  - rules:
      - core
      - dbt
      - fluff
      - sql
      - templating
      - yaml

  - dbt

This configuration file tells SQLFluff to enable all available linters and to use the DBT dialect.

Step 3: Configure the Model Configuration

To configure SQLFluff to lint the model configuration, add the following lines to the `sqlfluff.yml` file:

  - path: path/to/model/config
      type: dbt_sqlfluff
      dbt_project: path/to/dbt/project

Replace `path/to/model/config` with the path to your model configuration file and `path/to/dbt/project` with the path to your DBT project.

Step 4: Run SQLFluff

Run SQLFluff using the following command:

sqlfluff lint

This command will lint your model configuration file using the configured rules and dialect.

Example Output

SQLFluff will output a list of errors and warnings found in the model configuration file, for example:

L006: Unnecessary whitespace found in model 'my_model'
 ▸ /path/to/model/config/models/my_model.sql:1:1
 1 │ 
    │ ^ unnecessary whitespace
L007: Model 'my_model' has no description
 ▸ /path/to/model/config/models/my_model.sql:5:1
 5 │ 
    │ ^ model has no description

Fix the errors and warnings to ensure your model configuration is valid and follows best practices.


In this article, we have shown how to configure SQLFluff to lint the model configuration. By following these steps, you can ensure that your model configuration is error-free and follows best practices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to master the art of configuring SQLFluff to lint your model configuration!

How do I install SQLFluff?

To install SQLFluff, you can use pip, the Python package manager. Simply run the command `pip install sqlfluff` in your terminal or command prompt. Once installed, you can verify the installation by running `sqlfluff –version`.

What is the purpose of the `.sqlfluff` file?

The `.sqlfluff` file is used to configure SQLFluff for your project. It contains settings such as dialect, rules, and exclusions. You can create this file in the root of your project directory and customize it to fit your needs. For example, you can specify the dialect as `postgres` and set the rules to `core` and `performance`.

How do I configure SQLFluff to lint my model configuration?

To configure SQLFluff to lint your model configuration, you need to create a `.sqlfluff` file and specify the `dialect` and `rules` settings. For example, you can set `dialect` to `dbt` and `rules` to `dbt:core` and `dbt:performance`. Additionally, you can specify the `lint` target to `models` to lint only your model configuration.

Can I customize the rules for my model configuration?

Yes, you can customize the rules for your model configuration by creating a custom rules file. You can specify this file in the `.sqlfluff` file using the `rules` setting. For example, you can create a `rules.yml` file and specify custom rules for your model configuration. SQLFluff will then use these rules to lint your code.

How do I integrate SQLFluff with my CI/CD pipeline?

To integrate SQLFluff with your CI/CD pipeline, you can add a step to run SQLFluff as part of your pipeline script. For example, you can use a command like `sqlfluff lint` to run SQLFluff on your model configuration. You can also specify additional options, such as `–exit-zero-even-if-changed` to ensure that your pipeline doesn’t fail even if SQLFluff finds issues.